10 Tips for Everglades National Park

Last updated: July 12th, 2024 | Originally published: July 11, 2024

Let me ask you a question: Why are you coming to Everglades National Park? Is it to see manatees, alligators, crocodiles, spoonbills and flamingos? Or is it because it’s a national park and that’s just what we do? The reason I ask is, I want to be honest with what to expect from the Everglades. It is fair to ask yourself, “Is Everglades National Park in Florida worth visiting?”

The Florida Everglades are the third largest national park (found outside of Alaska) covering 1.5 million acres. The grass river landscape surrounding the National Park is that size again, and the greater Everglades ecosystem is a whopping 6 million acres. This is a tremendous amount of grass and water.

10 Tips for Everglades National Park

Touring the Everglades is no easy task. Not only is the park gigantic, but it is largely difficult to access beyond of a few tourist hubs. In addition to that, the Everglades are not easily captured in photos and have no defining view or feature. When the average person thinks about the Everglades, they picture a big swamp with gators, and that doesn’t generate a lot of enthusiasm.

Which is unfortunate, because what is happening here is quite remarkable. And it’s not a swamp, but a slow moving river of grass.

Therefore, here are our 10 Tips to visit the massive and relatively obscure Everglades National Park.

1. Everglades National Park Has Three Distinct Locations

Is Everglades National Park Florida worth visiting; Everglades National Park Tips

The three entrances to the park are at Homestead, Shark Valley, and Everglades City. Here’s a MAP.

The “main” entrance is referred to as Homestead or “Flamingo”. The Earnest Coe Visitor Center is just west of Homestead, Florida, which is SW of Miami by 50 miles. The road runs 38 miles and terminates at the Guy Bradley Visitor Center and Florida Bay, also known as Flamingo. This is a wonderful place to spot manatees and kayak.

Shark Valley is a very popular part of the park found 40 miles due west of Miami (MAP). Here you will find the popular Shark Valley Tram and Observation Tower. This is a great place to ride bikes.

Everglades City is 35 miles SE of Naples, Florida on the gulf side of the state. This is an excellent place to book an airboat tour.

To drive from the Gulf Coast Visitor Center in Everglades City to Flamingo at Florida Bay is 130 miles and takes about 3 hours. Shark Valley is between the two points.

2. When Should I visit Everglades National Park?

Is Everglades National Park Florida worth visiting; Everglades National Park Tips
Is Everglades National Park Worth Visiting?

The best time to visit is December through March — Fewer bugs and cooler temperatures make a more pleasant stay. If you come between May and September be prepared to suffer.

3. Getting to Everglades National Park

Is Everglades National Park Florida worth visiting; Everglades National Park Tips

How much time do you have? Are you looking to spend one day, or are you intent on seeing everything Everglades National Park has to offer?

The easiest place to stay would be Homestead, which is not a very nice town. From here you could access Flamingo in 10 miles and Shark Valley in 40 miles.

Taking a day trip from Miami would be a great option. From here, the Flamingo entrance is about an hour away and Shark Valley is even closer.

If you prefer to stay on the Gulf Coast of Florida, Naples and Everglades City are your two best bets. From here you could see the western part of the park and have good access to Shark Valley. Unfortunately, it would be a lengthy drive to see Flamingo, the most popular place to visit.

4. Are the Everglades Beautiful?

Is Everglades National Park Florida worth visiting; Everglades National Park Tips
Is Everglades National Park Worth Visiting?

Upon learning why the Everglades are important I certainly have respect for the ecosystem, but if I told you this was a beautiful national park I would be lying.

You will find beauty within the park — there’s a nice way to put it. However, the flat, monochromatic environment feels redundant almost immediately.

5. Why are the Everglades Important?

Is Everglades National Park Florida worth visiting; Everglades National Park Tips
10 Tips for Everglades National Park

This is a great question. Much like Eastern Washington, there is more going on here than what catches the eye.

Without the Everglades, life would not be sustainable in South Florida. This ecosystem provides drinking water for the 9 million people living in South Florida. Also, the Everglade mangroves serve as a “carbon bank”, holding enough carbon to heat more than 19 million homes and storing the equivalent carbon emissions of 130 million cars.

In addition to these important things, the Everglades protect the coast against hurricanes by stabilizing the shore, reducing flooding, and providing a buffer zone to slow the storm.

The Florida Everglades are worth protecting at great cost.

6. The Animals at Everglades National Park

Is Everglades National Park Florida worth visiting; Everglades National Park Tips

Flamingo is the gateway to Florida Bay. The bay and its adjoining maze of mangrove waterways provide homes for thousands of birds and a wealth of marine life. 

Manatees are a special feature of the Florida Everglades. The bizarre mammal spends very little time on the surface making it very exciting when they come up for air. The best place to spot them is at the boat marina near the Guy Bradley Visitor Center at Flamingo.

Gators can be found everywhere. Some of the best places are the Anhinga Trail at Flamingo, Shark Valley Bike Loop, and Big Cypress Bend Boardwalk near the Gulf Coast Visitor Center.

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Exploring the Shark Valley area by tram is a great way to see and learn about the wildlife and history of Everglades National Park. Guided two-hour tram tours are offered along a fifteen-mile loop trail into the “River of Grass”.

The open air trams allow for abundant wildlife viewing opportunities, and stop at the Shark valley Observation tower for a bird’s eye view of the sweeping Everglades ecosystem. 

Tours depart from the Shark Valley Visitor Center. Reservations are strongly recommended from November through April when Everglades National Park is at its busiest.

8. The View from Shark Valley Observation Tower

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Elevated Views of the Everglades are pretty-much non-existent, so the NPS built a looping concrete trail to a 65′-high observation platform in the 1960’s. On a clear day you can see up to 20 miles.

Ground level in the Everglades doesn’t lend much perspective ourside of Florida Bay in Flamingo. Throughout most of the park we found it a bit dull to stare straight into the jungly mangroves.

9. Roadside Attractions Just Outside the Park

10 Tips for Everglades National Park

There are an assortment of fun things to do near park entrances. Here’s a couple top choices:

Near Homestead: Coral Castle; Robert Is Here Fruitstand; Alligator Farms.

Near Gulf Coast: Captain Jack’s Airboats; Wooten’s Everglade Airboat Tours

We strongly recommend stopping by the Robert Is Here Fruitstand. It is a wonderland of foods, animals, and entertainment — and it’s free.

10. Boat Tours at Everglades National Park

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So this might be what people first think of when they consider the Everglades. We picture some whiteboy throttling a massive, fan-driven boat around the swamps, slowing down only to point out gators and birds.

Firstly, you don’t need an airboat ride to spot gators. It’s Florida. They’re everywhere, especially throughout the trails of the park. Secondly, it’s a badass ride. Thirdly, an airboat ride isn’t necessary to enjoy the Everglades. Lastly, airboats are found all over south-central Florida. You don’t need to be the national park to ride one of these bad boys.

An Honest Conclusion for Everglades National Park

Is Everglades National Park Worth Visiting?

So, is Everglades National Park worth visiting? Uh… sure!

Honestly, this wasn’t one of our favorite National Parks. We say this because we think honesty is in short supply in the travel industry. Not everything is amazing and jaw-dropping and crave-worthy. Some things are just alright; maybe a little better, or maybe not.

The Everglades in Florida are worth visiting, especially if you’ve never seen flamingos, gators, crocodiles, manatees, etc.

Florida Bay at Flamingo should not be missed. Here you will find the largest visitor center, a beautiful two-story complex right beside the ocean. You’ll also be able to kayak on the Wilderness Waterway, spot manatee in the marina and pelicans on the bay, and stroll along the mosquito-laden trails. Seriously, bring bug spray, even in winter.

If you only have a half-day or so, we recommend that. And be sure to hit the Anhinga Trail to see some gators and other wildlife. It is considered the best trail in the Flamingo section of the park.

Thank you for stopping by our website! We are the Hoffmann family, a full-time RV family that has split residence in Seattle, Washington and San Antonio, Texas. We have special needs children that we homeschool, and work travel assignments for the Veteran Affairs Hospital. If you would like to learn more about us, check out our Start Here and Biography pages. In the meantime, God bless and travel happy!

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